

Welcome to the course on starting and running a successful business. Throughout the length of this course you will learn the in's and out's of starting a business and making it profitable. By the time you complete this course you will have successfully gone from the idea stage to having a fully legal and functioning business, equipped with everything you need to venture forward and grow your business.


This is a very hands on course, since what you have to gain is full control over your career and a business you can call your own. Because of this, we have provided a number of templates and example documents to help you get started with some of the paperwork tasks. If you have your own templates or formats that you would prefer to use, you are more than welcome to use whatever fits your needs best.


By joining this course you are entitled to certain discounts on our services to help you get your business running smoothly and assist you with tasks you may not be as familiar or comfortable with. To take advantage of these discounts see here.

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